Malibu Mansion

Malibu, CA

Luxury home terrace with ocean sunset view.
Modern kitchen interior with ocean sunset view
Modern kitchen interior with ocean view at sunset.
Modern kitchen interior with island and stainless appliances.
Coastal view at sunset with trails and ocean.
Oceanfront patio with dining setup at sunset.
Luxury home terrace with ocean view at sunset
Modern home interior with glass staircase and plush chairs.
Modern bathroom with textured walls and illuminated mirror.
Modern spacious living room with ocean view.
Modern living room with glass staircase and elegant furnishings.
Luxurious seaside balcony at sunset with lounge chairs.
Luxury home terrace with ocean sunset view.
Modern ocean view house interior at sunset
Modern living room with large windows and mountain view.
Luxurious living room with ocean view at dusk
Modern waterfront home interior with sunset view.
Luxurious open living room with ocean view at dusk.
Modern bedroom interior with natural light and stylish furniture.
Minimalist bedroom with panoramic ocean view at sunset.
Luxurious bedroom with ocean sunset view and modern decor.
Modern tiled walk-in shower interior.
Luxurious bathroom interior with ocean view and artwork
Modern bathroom interior with artwork and natural light.
Modern dining room with ocean view and unique art.
Ocean view terrace with modern outdoor furniture
Coastal hills with ocean view at sunset.
Modern luxury house exterior with sunset lighting.
Ocean view luxury house terrace at sunset
Modern sunlit kitchen with ocean view.
Modern spacious home interior with glass staircase.
Luxurious living room with ocean view and modern decor.
Luxurious modern home interior, ocean view, natural light.
Modern living room with mountain view and large windows.
Luxurious seaside villa patio with sun loungers and view.
Modern bathroom with mosaic tile accent.
Beachfront bedroom with large windows and balcony access.
Modern bathroom with shower and dual sinks.
Modern interior design with massage table and natural light.
Modern living room with skylight and elegant furniture.
Luxurious patio with ocean view and modern furniture.
Spacious game room with billiard table and modern decor.
Bright modern bedroom with surfboard and unique artwork.
Modern luxury home exterior with patio.
Coastal view from hillside modern balcony at dusk.
Modern coastal home with ocean view and landscaped garden.
Coastal sunset view with winding trails and hills.
Modern home interior with ocean view through large windows.
Coastal home balcony overlooking sunset and ocean
Luxurious interior with ocean view and modern furniture.
Modern house exterior at twilight with landscape.
Modern home exterior at twilight with lights on.
Ocean view modern bedroom interior at sunrise.
Modern bedroom with ocean view and art decor.
Modern room with ocean view and glass table.
Modern house exterior at twilight with lights on
Modern room with ocean view and glass table.
Modern home entrance at twilight with glass railings.
Luxury home exterior at twilight with illuminated interior.
Luxurious oceanfront house at dusk with city lights.
Modern home exterior at dusk with lights.
Modern patio with ocean view at dusk.
Modern terrace with sea view at sunset.
Coastal twilight view from hillside.
Luxury patio with ocean view at dusk
Seaside luxury house balcony at sunset.
Luxurious hillside home with ocean view and modern design.
Luxurious home terrace with ocean view at sunset.
Ocean view terrace with modern furniture at sunset.
Modern home exterior with glass entrance and tropical plants.
Luxury coastal homes with ocean view at sunset.
Bathroom with ocean view and mosaic tiles
Modern bedroom with vaulted ceiling and ensuite bathroom.
Luxury patio with ocean view, skylight, and modern furniture.
Modern bathroom with teal mosaic tiles and illuminated mirror.
Spacious living room with pool table and modern furniture
Modern single-story house with open patio and landscape.
Open patio area with skylight and cozy seating.
Ocean view terrace with lounge chairs at luxury home
Rooftop patio with ocean view and lounge chairs.
Modern open-plan interior with ocean view.
Ocean view terrace with lounge chairs
Modern bedroom with ocean view and minimalist decor.
Luxury home with infinity pool overlooking city lights at dusk
Modern bathroom with ocean view and double vanity.
Modern living room with ocean view and large artwork.
Cozy round chair with ocean view through large window.
Modern bedroom with ocean view and abstract art.
Modern bedroom with ocean view and large windows.
Modern kitchen with ocean view and sleek design.
Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances and island.
Modern dining room with ocean view and art.
Ocean view dining room with large windows and balcony.
Modern living room with panoramic view and stylish interior.
Modern living room with mountain view and blue accent wall.
Modern living room with ocean view and glass staircase.
Elegant living room with ocean view and modern decor.
Modern kitchen interior with ocean sunset view
Modern kitchen interior with ocean view at sunset.
Modern kitchen interior with island and stainless appliances.
Coastal view at sunset with trails and ocean.
Oceanfront patio with dining setup at sunset.
Luxury home terrace with ocean view at sunset
Modern home interior with glass staircase and plush chairs.
Modern bathroom with textured walls and illuminated mirror.
Modern spacious living room with ocean view.
Modern living room with glass staircase and elegant furnishings.
Luxurious seaside balcony at sunset with lounge chairs.
Luxury home terrace with ocean sunset view.
Modern ocean view house interior at sunset
Modern living room with large windows and mountain view.
Luxurious living room with ocean view at dusk
Modern waterfront home interior with sunset view.
Luxurious open living room with ocean view at dusk.
Modern bedroom interior with natural light and stylish furniture.
Minimalist bedroom with panoramic ocean view at sunset.
Luxurious bedroom with ocean sunset view and modern decor.
Modern tiled walk-in shower interior.
Luxurious bathroom interior with ocean view and artwork
Modern bathroom interior with artwork and natural light.
Modern dining room with ocean view and unique art.
Ocean view terrace with modern outdoor furniture
Coastal hills with ocean view at sunset.
Modern luxury house exterior with sunset lighting.
Ocean view luxury house terrace at sunset
Modern sunlit kitchen with ocean view.
Modern spacious home interior with glass staircase.
Luxurious living room with ocean view and modern decor.
Luxurious modern home interior, ocean view, natural light.
Modern living room with mountain view and large windows.
Luxurious seaside villa patio with sun loungers and view.
Modern bathroom with mosaic tile accent.
Beachfront bedroom with large windows and balcony access.
Modern bathroom with shower and dual sinks.
Modern interior design with massage table and natural light.
Modern living room with skylight and elegant furniture.
Luxurious patio with ocean view and modern furniture.
Spacious game room with billiard table and modern decor.
Bright modern bedroom with surfboard and unique artwork.
Modern luxury home exterior with patio.
Coastal view from hillside modern balcony at dusk.
Modern coastal home with ocean view and landscaped garden.
Coastal sunset view with winding trails and hills.
Modern home interior with ocean view through large windows.
Coastal home balcony overlooking sunset and ocean
Luxurious interior with ocean view and modern furniture.
Modern house exterior at twilight with landscape.
Modern home exterior at twilight with lights on.
Ocean view modern bedroom interior at sunrise.
Modern bedroom with ocean view and art decor.
Modern room with ocean view and glass table.
Modern house exterior at twilight with lights on
Modern room with ocean view and glass table.
Modern home entrance at twilight with glass railings.
Luxury home exterior at twilight with illuminated interior.
Luxurious oceanfront house at dusk with city lights.
Modern home exterior at dusk with lights.
Modern patio with ocean view at dusk.
Modern terrace with sea view at sunset.
Coastal twilight view from hillside.
Luxury patio with ocean view at dusk
Seaside luxury house balcony at sunset.
Luxurious hillside home with ocean view and modern design.
Luxurious home terrace with ocean view at sunset.
Ocean view terrace with modern furniture at sunset.
Modern home exterior with glass entrance and tropical plants.
Luxury coastal homes with ocean view at sunset.
Bathroom with ocean view and mosaic tiles
Modern bedroom with vaulted ceiling and ensuite bathroom.
Luxury patio with ocean view, skylight, and modern furniture.
Modern bathroom with teal mosaic tiles and illuminated mirror.
Spacious living room with pool table and modern furniture
Modern single-story house with open patio and landscape.
Open patio area with skylight and cozy seating.
Ocean view terrace with lounge chairs at luxury home
Rooftop patio with ocean view and lounge chairs.
Modern open-plan interior with ocean view.
Ocean view terrace with lounge chairs
Modern bedroom with ocean view and minimalist decor.
Luxury home with infinity pool overlooking city lights at dusk
Modern bathroom with ocean view and double vanity.
Modern living room with ocean view and large artwork.
Cozy round chair with ocean view through large window.
Modern bedroom with ocean view and abstract art.
Modern bedroom with ocean view and large windows.
Modern kitchen with ocean view and sleek design.
Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances and island.
Modern dining room with ocean view and art.
Ocean view dining room with large windows and balcony.
Modern living room with panoramic view and stylish interior.
Modern living room with mountain view and blue accent wall.
Modern living room with ocean view and glass staircase.
Elegant living room with ocean view and modern decor.


Malibu, CA

Project Size

8,630 SF

An esteemed international investor approached us with an ambitious vision to build a sprawling Malibu Mansion, and we were thrilled to rise to the challenge. This coastal haven encompasses a majestic 12,200 SF main residence, complemented by a luxurious 1,600 SF Cabana Guest House, and a spacious 1,800 SF Maid’s Quarters to ensure every comfort is met. All of this is set on a sprawling 9.6-acre lot, offering unparalleled tranquility. Inside, residents and guests can retreat to one of the eight meticulously designed bedrooms and enjoy the opulence of eight full bathrooms and an additional powder room. To truly appreciate the grandeur and attention to detail of this architectural marvel, we invite you to view the showcase video which was proudly featured on HGTV.​

Crane hook lifting steel beam icon.

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